April 1st, 2021 UPDATE: Dear Clients, Customers, Vendors and Staff of Buffalo City Living, LLC:
As per the New York State Government, “Real estate, leasing and rental” business is allowed to resume in Phase Two of the NY Forward Reopening Plan, which began on June 2nd, 2020 in Buffalo and the Western NY region. “Construction” business is allowed to resume in Phase One of the NY Forward Reopening Plan, which began on May 19th, 2020 in Buffalo and the Western NY region.
This notice is to inform you of the most recent updates to our company’s Coronavirus (COVID19) Policy. Given the states of emergency which have been declared by Federal, State and Local governments, Buffalo City Living, LLC has significantly modified business operations in response to this public health crisis. Our staff will do their absolute best to serve clients and customers within the confines of our published Coronavirus (COVID19) Policy.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure Last updated on 4/1/2021 by Christopher Mekker, Manager
Coronavirus (COVID19) SOP
- This SOP will be updated regularly as the states of emergency progress. Real-time updates will be posted to our website at https://www.buffalocityliving.com/covid19
- All Buffalo City Living, LLC staff, employees, agents, contractors, vendors, clients, customers and visitors must comply with NY State’s “Interim Guidance for Real Estate Services” at https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/realestate-masterguidance.pdf
- All Buffalo City Living, LLC staff, employees, agents, contractors, vendors, clients, customers and visitors must comply with NY State’s “Interim Guidance for Construction Activities” at https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/ConstructionMasterGuidance.pdf
- All Buffalo City Living, LLC staff, employees, agents, contractors, vendors, clients, customers and visitors must comply with requirements from the Erie County, NY Health Department at www.erie.gov/covid19
- Access to our office, or any managed or listed property is strictly prohibited for any person who:
- has experienced any symptoms of COVID19 within the last 14 days, as published online by the CDC at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
- has tested positive for COVID19 within the last 14 days
- or has knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive for COVID19 or has or had symptoms of COVID19
- has traveled internationally within the last 10-days, and has not “tested out” of mandatory quarantine as required by the NY State DOH at https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-travel-advisory
- Access to our office, or any managed or listed property is restricted as follows:
- All persons must submit to a temperature check at the door prior to entering 2626 Main St in Buffalo. Prior to entering, persons must display a temperature below 100.0 degrees F
- All persons must adhere to social distancing guidance per any published policy, posted signage and/or floor markings
- Non-essential visitors are prohibited (such as extraneous guests and/or minor children)
- Essential visitors must register their full legal name and contact information with the showing agent, listing agent, property manager or resident prior to scheduling an appointment
- Appointments are required with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice, except in cases of a bonafide property maintenance emergency
- No more than one visiting party is allowed at any time
- Prospective Buyers must be pre-qualified by a licensed real estate professional (proof of funds or loan pre-approval letter is required)
- Prospective Tenants must be pre-qualified by a licensed real estate professional (a rental application is required at https://buffalocityliving.managebuilding.com/Resident/apps/rentalapp/)
- All visitors are required to have and use “PPE” (Personal Protective Equipment), including but not limited to an acceptable mask or face covering and hand sanitizer.
- Visitors may only touch “essential surfaces” during their visit (eg: hand rails going up/down stairs if necessary), and all touched surfaced must be sanitized immediately.
- Real estate showings will only be allowed in unoccupied (e.g., current owner or lessee is not inside the property) or vacant properties.
- All staff, employees, agents, contractors, and vendors must submit to a COVID19 diagnostic test after exhibiting any symptoms of COVID19 (a list of testing sites in Erie County, NY is published online at https://www2.erie.gov/health/sites/www2.erie.gov.health/files/uploads/pdfs/COVID19TestingSitesEC.pdf).
- Clients, customers, residents and visitors are strongly encouraged to submit to COVID19 diagnostic test after exhibiting any symptoms of COVID19.
- Buffalo City Living, LLC will not accept or handle CASH.
- All payments must be made with check or money order and sent via mail or delivered to our day and night deposit box on our storefront, or via electronic banking:
- Please contact your Agent directly for instructions on sending wire transfers or ACH bank transfers.
- All payments must be made with check or money order and sent via mail or delivered to our day and night deposit box on our storefront, or via electronic banking:
- Contactless pick-up and delivery is available during business hours:
- Please contact your Agent directly to schedule an appointment for pick-up or delivery.
- All Buffalo City Living, LLC staff, employees, agents, contractors, vendors, clients, customers and visitors must test themselves as clear of COVID19 symptoms daily.
- You must immediately report to the Property Manager if you have experienced any symptoms of COVID19 within the last 14 days, have tested positive for COVID19 within the last 14 days, or or have knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive for COVID19 or has or had symptoms of COVID19 (Call: 716-222-2489 ext 2 and/or email admin@buffalocityliving.com).
- In addition, any visitors who experience symptoms of COVID19, or who test positive for COVID19, starting up to 48 hours after visiting to our office, or any managed or listed property, must immediately report to the company.
- Prior to entering any residence, BCL staff and assigns must call the resident and confirm that no person in the household has experienced any symptoms of COVID19 within the last 14 days, has tested positive for COVID19 within the last 14 days, or or has knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive for COVID19 or has or had symptoms of COVID19, or has traveled internationally within the last 10 days.
- Also, prior to any staff and/or assign entering any managed or listed property, they must call and instruct the resident to improve air ventilation in the residence by opening windows and/or running air-exhaust fans.
- BCL staff are ordered to obtain proper disposable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in order to perform their job functions, at the company’s expense. A list of Erie County-approved PPE vendors is published online at https://www2.erie.gov/health/sites/www2.erie.gov.health/files/uploads/pdfs/PPEBusinessVendorListEC.pdf
- BCL Staff must dispose of PPE whenever it becomes damaged or soiled by placing it in a plastic bag and tying the bag shut before placing in a municipal garbage tote.